Period 3
December 7, 2014
APUSH Readings
Chapter 16
1) A-2
2) A Former Slave Exposes Slavery (1850)
3) Author: Frederick Douglas
4) Author’s Position: Against Slavery
5) Bias: He was once a former slave who has gained these brutal experiences as well.
6) Arguments:
He was a slave for 20 years
His childhood was surrounded by the cruel slave system
The law gives the master absolute power over the state
The Southern religion allows the master to exercise the right of property slaves
Slaves are also human beings so they should deserve the same rights as the whites
Slaves aren’t allow to own or gain anything
Slaves gets accuse of stealing for possessing items that they earn
Slaves gets whip as a punishment
7) Summary: In this passage written by Frederick Douglas who was an escaped slave that became known as the greatest Black abolitionist of the time for sharing his terrible experience as a slave in order to stop slavery, it discusses the cruel treatments that the slaves are expose to. For instance, if the slaves perform at a poor rate or produces insufficient work, their master would hit them with a whip as a symbol of punishment. Sometimes, the master doesn’t even need a reason to torment the slaves other than for his/her own satisfaction. In addition, Douglas who was a slave for the majority of his life, claims that the laws created by the Southern states were unfair since it was design to give the master full control over the slaves which took away their freedom. Moreover, Douglas supported his idea by repeating the same phrase and adding the different things that were restricted against the slaves such as earning a proper education, receiving good food/clothes, and working hard to make money. Furthermore, Douglas asserts that the physical cruelties that are brought upon the slaves are sufficiently harassing and revolting since it inflicts on the mental, moral and religious nature of the helpless victims. All of these reasons explain why Douglas