*Booker T. Washington- Was an adviser to presidents. Created Tuskegee Institute for Vocational Training.
*Jim Crow Law- Black segregation laws, allowed seperate but egual.
*Plessy v. Furgeson- Landmark Supreme Court decision which ruled that as long as it is equal, it can be seperate. (Plessy bought train ticket and sat in white section..)
*Dr. WEB Dubois- Born in Massachutes and was the first black person to recieve a PhD from Harvard University.
Knights of Labor- was established in 1869 by Terence Powerey, and promoted social and cultural up lift and 8 hour work days, …show more content…
Eugene Debs- founded the American Railway Union, Internation labor federation, and Industial workers of the world, but he was imprisoned for speaking out against WW1, and ran for president 5 times.
AT Mahan- Most improved strategest of the 19th century. "Sea Power" concept, US navy docterine.
Reform Darwinision- A social evolution to adopt change which promoted breeding of high class people.
Herbert Spencer- Wrote about evolution like Darwin with Survival of the Fitest.
John Fiske- graduated and taught at Harvard, was racist.
Roosevelt Corallary- Told other countries to leave central America alone.
Sherman Anti-Trust Act- prohibited certain business activities and limited cartels and …show more content…
*Facisim- National socialism. Mean people.
*Veona Project- made secret agencies to un-crypt messages from the Soviet Union.
Conformity- Group norms.
Dream Speach- speach by Martin Luther King Jr. that advocated character, not color.
*Korean War- a war between the republic and democrat of Korea.. Very frustrating for US.
NATO- North Atlantic Treaty Organization- an intergovernmental military alliance to help the United Nations Defense.
*Sweatt vs. Painter- a case that sucessfully challenged the 'seperate but equal' court rule, but this case continued for six months which allowed the University of Texas to create a seperate school for blacks. Eventually, helped integrate law schools.
Silent Majority- the other Americans that just wanted to be left alone.
*Kent State- was an Ohio college that the National Guard was brought to help put down violent outbursts.
Bay of Pigs- was a CIA plan to invade, but Pres. Kennedy withdrew air support. Disaster.
*SDS (Student Democratic Society)- an underground radical group of people who made bombs.
9/11- A radical Muslim's further expansion date, but a US major