Early Settlements
by James Horn
|Please answer each question thoroughly and completely. If you have treated this assignment lightly, you will |
|be at a disadvantage in writing essays that call for “substantial and appropriate outside information.” Read Early Settlements |
|(http://www.gilderlehrman.org/history-by-era/early-settlements/essays/early-settlements ) by James Horn and complete the prompts below. |
|In two or three well thought out sentences, summarize the major point of this reading. (Please be thorough. This will be very important to|
|you late in the year when reviewing for the AP test) |
|___________________________________________________________________In this reading, the author wrote about the early English settlers of |
|the New World. He opens with a quote from a passage from the 16th century that speaks about the colonies in the new world, and how England|
|should get involved and start to colonize as well. The author then goes into detail on the establishing of the 13 colonies of England in |
|the New World and later on, the lifestyle in terms of immigrants, diversity, and population. The article ends talking about the expansion |
|from the original 13 colonies to what would make Britain known as “the acknowledged master of North America”. |
|In a couple of sentences, what was the bias of the author? From what perspective does the author write--political, social, and economic? |
|Why is this significant in the document you have read? |
|___________________________________________________________________While most essays and articles seem to have some form of bias, I do not|
|pick up in any way a sense of this at any time in the reading. He conveys