1. The first task will be to introduce yourself and let me know what your background is in music and online learning. Give your name, if you play (or have played) an instrument or sing, and if you've ever taken an online class.
My name is Huy Huynh and this is the third year of me in Golden West College. I have not had a chance to take choir nor any music-related classes before so my knowledge about music is not as wise, but I really like to listen to music and I'd love to know more and learn about the development of music. I have taken online classes before and I know that it requires self-study, self-discipline and independence more than on-campus courses.
2. Explain why you have decided to take Music Appreciation online, and what two things you would like to get out of this class by the end of the course (besides a good grade).
I have decided to take Music Apprecation online because I am curious about how has music developed and how are the music in the past and present different. By the end of the course, the two things I would like to get out of this class with are the knowledge and an understanding of music in the past centuries.
3. Part One in the book discusses the elements of music, including musical form. Find a song that you like that utilizes binary, ternary, or call and response form. Make sure you indicate the song title, artist, and how the song matches one of those forms.
Twinkle Twinkle by Jane Taylor is the song that I have thought of at this moment in which I think is Ternary form because it extends the idea of how shiny and mysterious the stars are in the little kids' eyes and departure by bringing back the first section.
4. After reading and listening to the examples in the first few chapters, you have hopefully gained a little better