
Are Some Youth Sports Too Intense?

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Are Some Youth Sports Too Intense?
Are some youth sports too intense? Why do parents believe that sports are too intense for children? The reasoning for that is that research says that “if the sport begins to be too much for the kids health or physical ability there is no reasoning why that the child cannot exclude himself from the team or sport that he or she is in”. Other reasons are that if a sport is not hard then there will be no room for improving the team to its best ability. Therefore sports should be tough to push kids beyond their boundaries to build them mentally and physically for the future life and present. Understanding these conditions can help a parent's mind eas of the idea of accidents. Documents say that parents think that sports that are competitive are too dangerous and that there should be more rules and regulations on physical contact and aggression. The counterclaim is that there shouldn't be many regulations and rules. Reasoning for this argument is that with rules and regulations the sport begins to be dull and constant hassle of thoughts. Contex say that there needs to be regulations on aggression. Some children use sports that involve aggression as a stress reliever. If this request becomes official many sports will be cut out of school programs such as Football, Wrestling, Soccer, and Basketball. These four sports …show more content…
If they shorten practices that's less time you have to get better. This can affect work ethic. Players can become to be lazy and out of shape. Being better requires a lot of work ethic to learn, study, and comprehend the skill that they are learning at practices. Work ethic falls into place and shows during school competitive interactions. Cutting practices to shorter amounts of time will affect how the school teams do that year and could escalate to a losing streak and could lower the self esteem of players and the team as a

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