After a soccer game in Buenos Aires, Argentina, fans rioted the streets. During the riot after the soccer game 15 police officers were injured. They did this because there soccer team lost. When people riot not only do people get hurt but many others get in trouble or even arrested. In this riot 60 people were arrested. This fact proves that fans can go too far because they are getting in trouble with the authority just because their soccer team lost. …show more content…
People make decisions that are not good for them and can hurt them in the long run. People skip school and work. This fact shows that sports fans can go too far because from them skipping school and work the are losing out on their education and they can get fired from their job. To go along with people skipping school and work sometimes people make even worse decisions. People sometimes commit suicide over sports games. This proves sports fans can go too far because they could be so sad or mad that there sports team lost that they are willing to kill