
Are We Alone Research Paper

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Professor Coan
ENGL 135
29 October 2006
Are We Alone? Since humans first walked the earth we have looked up and wondered if it is possible to be alone in the vast universe in which we inhabit just one small planet. Often while gazing up the skies man has seen things he could not explain, and for the last fifty years or so these things have taken on the label "UFOs." As years passed, sightings and other extraterrestrial encounters became progressively more common around the world; igniting the UFO phenomenon and controversy which surrounds it. Many skeptics and non- believers say the sightings, testimonies, and photos are hoaxes. I feel the existence of aliens and proof of their visitation to earth is clear. The countless sightings, abduction
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Accordingly, on Sept 1, 1968 five famous scientists recommended to Congress that they seriously plan to give its support to an intensive international study of UFOS (Ufologie). Theses five scientists brought their testimonial to a UFO symposium sponsored by the House Committee on Science and Astronautics. The scientists included Dr. Robert L. Baker Jr of the Computer Sciences Corporation; Dr. Robert L. Hall, professor of sociology at the University of Illinois; Dr. James A. Harder, professor of civil engineering of the University of California with Berkeley; Dr. James McDonald, senior of physics at the University of Arizona, and Dr. Carl Sagan, astronomer from Cornell University. Dr. McDonald spoke about what he learned while studying more than 300 UFO cases: “The number of UFO sightings being accompanied by some form of interference with the ground networks of electrical power distribution convinced him”, he said, “UFOS are perfectly real, with a strong possibility that we are under the monitoring of extraterrestrial intelligences… No service has ever studied that, and however”, told McDonald, “it could be the answer to all the questions about UFOS” (Ufologie). Another respected scientist takes the topic so seriously he approached the United Nations about it. On November 27, 1978 Dr. J. Allen Hynek said: "Mr. Chairman, I have not always held the opinion that UFOs were worthy of serious scientific study”. “I began my work as Scientific Consultant to the U.S. Air Force as an open skeptic, in the firm belief that we were dealing with a mental aberration and a public nuisance; only in the face of stubborn facts and data similar to those studied by the French commission... have I been forced to change my opinion"(Ufologie). These six scientists were only several of many well educated

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