Nurse a coffee throughout the day. If you supersize your coffee to jump start your day, you may be driving yourself deeper and deeper into a low-energy rut. Compelling research from Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, and other institutions finds that frequent low doses of caffeine — the amount in a quarter-cup of coffee — were more effective than a few larger doses of caffeine when it comes to keeping people alert.
Try tea and see.
If you need a caffeinated pick-me-up, choose tea over coffee. One study found that drinking tea all day improved alertness and performance just as well as coffee and was less likely to disrupt sleep.
Combine protein with good carbs.
Snacks that include an ounce or two of protein with some complex carbohydrates give you a quick energy boost — without an energy crash a few hours later. Give these tasty pantry combos a try: • Small pop-top can of salmon or tuna with whole grain crackers • Small box of raisins or dried cranberries with a handful of nuts • Handful of trail mix (nuts and dried fruit varieties) • Slice of multi-whole-grain toast and peanut butter
Have a slice with your seltzer.
A refreshing glass or two of icy seltzer water with a slice of lime or lemon is a double-powered energy booster. First, since fatigue often signals dehydration, a couple of glasses of H2O can restore your energy pronto. What's more, the citrusy scent of lemon or lime makes you feel awake and refreshed. Plus, the drink's iciness gives you a sensory wake-up call.
Drink something bitter.
A traditional herbalists' cure