Received 27 April 2006; received in revised form 31 March 2007; accepted 23 May 2007
Autonomous video surveillance and monitoring has a rich history. Many deployed systems are able to reliably track human motion in indoor and controlled outdoor environments. However, object detection and tracking at night remain very important problems for visual surveillance.
The objects are often distant, small and their signatures have low contrast against the background. Traditional methods based on the analysis of the difference between successive frames and a background frame will do not work. In this paper, a novel real time object detection algorithm is proposed for night-time visual surveillance. The algorithm is based on contrast analysis. In the first stage, the contrast in local change over time is used to detect potential moving objects. Then motion prediction and spatial nearest neighbor data association are used to suppress false alarms. Experiments on real scenes show that the algorithm is effective for night-time object detection and tracking.
2007 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of Pattern Recognition Society.
Keywords: Visual surveillance; Night; Contrast; Detection and tracking
1. Introduction
Object detecting and tracking are important in any visionbased surveillance system. Various approaches to object detection have been proposed for surveillance, including feature-based object detection [1–4], template-based object detection [8,9] and background subtraction or inter-frame
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