Vaccines are the best defense we as humans have agains diseases. Like any other medical products theyvhavebtheir side effects. Vaccines occur when a less harmful ,inactive form of that pathogen is injected into th human body so that the body may be able to gain acquired immunity. So thatbwhwn the body is attacked with the same virus it is able to fight t off. Onfections are then most common type of disease. Pathogens aim to enter the body and move past your immune system . Usually your antibodies fight off he pathogens . Now vaccines help th bodies immune system to prepare for such attacks . Vaccines can prevent the spread of disease …show more content…
and save lives. In fan and woman and immunocompromined individuals unusually don't get vaccines but may get some form of protection.
Vaccines work well with a 90-100 percent success rate. Tobias been argued that with besser hygiene and better sanitation the disease would go away , which is not true because the germs causing the disease would still be around . The vaccines need to be approved by the FDA and undergo extensive research be fore being used on humans.children should get vaccinated at two months, a second dose at four months and another dose at four to six years. Adults should get vaccinated at a first done anytime, a second one to two months later a nd a third dose six to twelve moth later. Advantages are that vaccines help to deacrease the spread of disease , the chance of falling I'll is far greater than that of getting a side effect. Getting a vaccine is cheaper thatbtreatong someone who is ill.disadvanges are that some people may have very bad reactions tovthe vaccines . Some parents think the MMR vaccines for measles mumps and tubella may cause autism in children so therefore won't take the risk. Ethicall issues inclise that some cultures believe that putting foreign substancesninto your body Mattake you less holy. Testing vaccines on vaulrnable populations such a children is unethical.the test in of the HIV vaccine may have a risk to the trial participant because of the stigma attached to
HUB AND AIDS. Many ethical debates centre around the fact that access depends of your social,economic or racial status