An issue that is haunting Australians today is how we treat each other. Australians NEED to change the way they live and treat others. So many Australians are victims of racism, bulling, and poverty. Everyone on this planet deserves the right to be treated equally. There was once a saying that was believed to be sent to us by Jesus, “treat others the way you wish to be treated”. Every day, people are the targets and victims of racist comments and actions.
A couple of weeks ago, a French woman was abused on a public bus for singing in her own language! It doesn’t matter what race, gender, skin type, hair colour etc., this can happen to anyone! …show more content…
No matter their appearance, everyone is the same on the inside. Everyone deserves to live a happy and safe life, where they won’t be judged by their personal characteristics, appearance, beliefs and actions.
Right now, 160,000 kids are either being bullied at school or are at home because they can’t face going to school! This is a frightening statistic. No child should be scared to go to school. The sad thing is that every 1 in 7 students in each grade are either a bully or has been a victim of bullying. No one has the right to think they anyone is lesser than them. No one has the right to put anyone down. The only way we can deal with bullies is to stand up to them, show them that the way they are treating others is unacceptable, and needs to be changed. Bullies expect that people treat them with respect, but they do not show that to anyone! Bullying is taking over schools, and it needs to be controlled.
Every day, an estimated 2000 children under the age of 5 die every day from diseases linked to an insufficient supply of food, water and hygiene. Every meal we throw scraps away that would be cherished by children in other countries. What would last us one meal would be all they get for a whole week!
St Mary’s College donates to Caritas which helps the unfortunate in Papa New Guinea, Vietnam and Malaysia. For extra help you can give money, clothes, water and food to Vinnies, Lifeline, and Salvation Army etc. this helps build homes for the homeless, give food to the hungry, medical help to the sick, and clean water to the thirsty. All it takes is $5 to help make a difference in someone’s life.
Attitude is a ‘learned’ way of thinking. This is the adopted Aussie attitude!
Racism, bullying and poverty have become because of the Australian attitude.
Thankyou ladies and gentlemen, for taking the time to listen to my speech today. I hope you have learnt what effect this Australian attitude has on our culture.