In order for fracking to be successful, millions of gallons of water are needed. The need for this much water is depleting our fresh water supply. Up to six hundred different chemicals are used in fracking, most of which are very toxic, including uranium, mercury, formaldehyde and ethylene. A lot of this now toxic water stays underground and could potentially contaminate a necessary resource, our water supply. Some of the chemicals used have been known to cause infertility, autism, ADHD, diabetes and thyroid disorders. (“Fracking Air Pollution”) It is obvious that many other health risks may arise as a result of fracking.
Fracturing fluid chemicals, contaminated wastewater, and radioactive material could leak or spill from well heads, flow lines, tanks, trucks, and pits and cause contamination. For example, there has been reports of possible groundwater contamination in Colorado as a result of fracking. (J. Colson) There are records of earthquakes that have caused property damage in Ohio due to the pressure levels in the wells. (John Upton) Areas of gas production have also noticed significant increases in smog caused by chemical