Due to the increase of transition the liability of a pandemics and fatalities are higher than ever. Since, the germs are not native to our country, our bodies are not tolerant or immune to the unfamiliar disease. If the infected person comes in contact with others a medical epidemic can be started. Consequently, vaccines not only protects you from indigenous, but also, external disease. A vaccination is an easy and simple step that will ensure the safety of a child or an adult’s life. …show more content…
Although vaccines have been proven to safe and enhance the condition of human lives, many parents still believe vaccines are inessential.
The anti-vaccination movement is a product of unreliable sources and ambiguous scientific evidence. Michelle A. Recame, (2012) elaborates on this stating, “In a recent survey where parents were asked to indicate the sources from which they obtain their information, 82% off all respondents noted the media as one of their sources.” Parents have based the safety of their child’s life off controversial or persuasive information resulting in the decrease of immunizations leaving children unprotected against contagions. If a child was locked out of the house in a rainstorm, we would consider that neglect, but why are vaccines any different? Vaccinations should be mandatory to protect the lives of children whose parents are
careless. Vaccines do not just benefit the person its administered to, but the individuals around them. This is called herd immunity. Herd immunity occurs when a select few are protected due to the majority being vaccinated. For example, if a child is in the minority that do not grow immune to vaccinations or has a medical condition prohibiting them from being administered, they would be protected. Herd Immunity is also helpful in stopping the spread of disease. If a majority of the community is vaccinated, the disease will run out of host and will eventually subside. Due to parents refusal to vaccinate their children, we have seen a drop in heard immunity. Accordingly, if the majority is not vaccinated, it could result in an epidemic. Therefore, I stand behind mandatory vaccinations for the safety of those who cannot grow immunity and for those who refuse to receive them.