From pollution and climate change to protection against major diseases, such as Cancer, Type II Diabetes, and Obesity, all of them major concerns in the 21st century(Curfman, 2009). Trying to find a cure in medicine and not succeeding, well what if medicine is the wrong way to go when trying to find cures ? Mother nature has the ability to give us all kinds of cures, it’s been used for thousands of years for healing and relieving our suffering. Even with all of the advances in 21st century medicine and knowledge, we still have all these problems in the world(Strumillo). However, we as a community have the power in our hands to change and reduce all of our world problems. Most of our health problems come from how our diets have become so poor in nutrients and quality. When walking in a fast food …show more content…
Vegetarians sometimes leave out key nutrients they need to be consumed due to how life interferes with diets a lot of the time. Some of those key nutrients include calcium, iodine, iron, omega-3 fatty acids, protein, vitamin B-12, vitamin D, and zinc. To make sure the supplements are not left out there need to be alternatives. Calcium is an essential for maintaining strong bones and for nerve health, while there are some vegetarians who choose not to remove dairy from their diets completely, there are others who do. Dairy is not the only food with it, vegetables like kale, choy, and broccoli also contain calcium. Iron is also a big one, it contributes in the process of making hemoglobin, which carries oxygen in the blood. Iron deficiencies are more common in women than men already so to reduce this in vegetarians as well nuts and dried fruits are needed. Protein is probably the most worried about in a vegetarian diet but what people don't realize is that protein is in everything we eat, from spinach to nuts and