To find the % of the calories that were from carbs I took the total amount of carbs consumed for the day (380.3 g) and multiplied it by 4kcal/g (380.3 x 4) to get 1521.3 kcal. I then divided that product by my total overall calories for the day (3736.5) to give me .407, and from there a multiplied that number by 100 to give me 41%.…
| Whole-wheat bread is preferable because it is likely to contain several nutrients not added to white bread.…
Complete your food & exercise logs for 3 days, making sure to include at least 1 weekday and 1 weekend day. Include everything that you eat and drink. Add additional rows if necessary. Make a note of the time you ate and approximately how much you ate.…
Student’s will complete a 3-day food intake, then compare their total calories, total carbohydrates, protein, total fat, calcium, iron, vitamin D, and folic acid to the RDAs/DRIs of the following life stages:…
Breastfeeding is the most importance nutrition a newborn can receive. The benefits of breastfeeding are tremendous. The Surgeon General states, “Breastfeeding protects babies from infections and illnesses that include diarrhea, ear infections and pneumonia, breastfed babies are less likely to develop asthma, children who are breastfed for six months are less likely to become obese, and breastfeeding also reduces the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)” ("Fact sheet," n.d., p. 1).…
In the teenage stage of life it is very important to eat a balanced diet high in protein, carbohydrate, water, vitamins and minerals as this assists them in their developments in puberty, helps them stay within their ideal weight, helps with their focus in school work and sport activities.…
Ready to eat cereal are # 1 break food choice among Americans and citrus juice is top juice choice for most people in morning habit…
My client is a nineteen year old female who is of average height and weight. My client has a volunteer job, which consists of going shopping for elderly people who are or feel unable to leave the house to collect their own groceries or anything else they need for example my client will go to the house of a service user and collect a list they have compiled of what they need from the shop and my client will go and collect it. She will also pay any bills in the post office, post any letters or cards needed and also get gas and/or electric. My client also has a part time job on a saturday night where she collects and cleans glasses from the pub. My client works 10pm until closing time which is usually around 12-1am. My client also attends college monday to thursday, where she leaves her house at 7am to walk to the bus stop to catch the college bus and returns home at 5:30pm. My client enjoys walking her dog to the local park every evening for about an hour/an hour and a half in order to have exercise and try to unwind after college. When my client returns home, her mother who is a home carer for people who suffer from mental health disorders and have learning difficulties and/or other disabilities, is usually at work therefore my client is responsible for making her own tea which usually consists of something easy from the freezer such as pizza, chips, chicken nuggets or fish fingers with peas or baked beans. My client does not have a varied diet and therefore has a deficiency for a number of vitamins and minerals. My client also suffers from a condition called IBS or Irritable Bowel Syndrome. My client smokes around ten cigarettes a day and drinks on the weekend, she regularly drinks a small amount on the weekend but can sometimes drink a large amount. My client has a heart murmur which she does not have to take…
Brian’s unhealthy eating habits have caused his body to either be receiving inadequate amounts or a surplus of water-soluble vitamins. Brian is taking in to much Thiamin or Vitamin B1 because the Recommended Daily Amount (RDA) is 1.2 mg/day, the Daily Intake Value for adults is 1.5 mg and he is consuming 3.18 mg. He is also taking in to much Riboflavin or B2 because he is consuming 3.29 mg, his RDA is 1.3 mg/day and his Daily Value for adults is 1.7 mg. Brian is also taking in to much Niacin or B3 because his RDA is 16 mg NE/day, the Daily Value for adults is 20 mg and he is taking in 45 mg/day. He takes in 2.41 mg of Vitamin B6, which is too much, compared to the RDA of 1.3 mg/day and the Daily Value for adults, which is 2 mg. He also takes in too much Folate of Folacin since the RDA and Daily Intake Value for adults is 400 mcg/day and Brian is consuming 472 mcg. Another water-soluble vitamin that Brian might be consuming too high of an amount of is Vitamin B12, where he is taking in 5.2 mcg and his RDA is 2.4 mcg/day. However, according to the Daily Value Intake for an adult is 6 mcg, making the amount of Vitamin B12 Brian consumes acceptable. Lastly, the one water-soluble vitamin that Brian is not consuming enough of is Vitamin C. His RDA for Vitamin C is 90 mg/day and he is only taking in 51.5 mg.…
2. Describe why the healthy diets of adults and children may be different. Provide at least three examples of these differences.…
Use Ch. 1 of Contemporary Nutrition, Ch. 2 of Visualizing Nutrition, supplemental course materials, the University Library, the Internet, or other resources to answer the following questions. Your response to each question should be 75 to 100 words.…
Adolescence (11-18 years old) People in this group stage have large appetites and are still growing. It is important to eat sensibly and not to go through phases of overeating or starving themselves in order for them to lose…
they are stunned to soften the hides for skinning. As a result, a botched slaughter…
Vegetarians sometimes leave out key nutrients they need to be consumed due to how life interferes with diets a lot of the time. Some of those key nutrients include calcium, iodine, iron, omega-3 fatty acids, protein, vitamin B-12, vitamin D, and zinc. To make sure the supplements are not left out there need to be alternatives. Calcium is an essential for maintaining strong bones and for nerve health, while there are some vegetarians who choose not to remove dairy from their diets completely, there are others who do. Dairy is not the only food with it, vegetables like kale, choy, and broccoli also contain calcium. Iron is also a big one, it contributes in the process of making hemoglobin, which carries oxygen in the blood. Iron deficiencies are more common in women than men already so to reduce this in vegetarians as well nuts and dried fruits are needed. Protein is probably the most worried about in a vegetarian diet but what people don't realize is that protein is in everything we eat, from spinach to nuts and…
1. Relate the importance of variety in a diet, especially with regard to fruit and vegetable choices, to the discovery of various phytochemicals in foods.…