Absolute one the other hand, may be subject
to change, under some circumstances. Therefore, the ethical principles could not be absolute because when ethical claims arise, people tend to say what they want, and this could never be objective.
Many people are lead to adopt Ethical Relativism because they believe that it justifies their view that one ought to be tolerant of the different behavior of people in other cultures. However, Ethical Relativism does not really justify tolerance at all. All around the world, there are different types of cultures, which have different ethical values that will be correct according to their cultures. Nevertheless, some people might argue about different cultures that have different moral codes that they can not accept; examples: polygamy and infanticide. On the other hand, Ethical Relativism proposes that we can stop the criticism and be more tolerant with other cultures. To illustrate, we could no longer say that custom of other societies…
Objective moral truths are truths that exist regardless of an individuals or a group opinion. Subjectivists believe that there are no objective moral truths and that morality is decided by the person. For instance, some objectivists would say that it is an objective moral truth that torturing babies is wrong. While subjectivist believe that it is morally true or morally wrong if one approves or disproves of torturing babies. According to subjectivism, things are either right or wrong according to an individuals attitudes and feelings. Cultural relativism differs from objectivists view on moral truths as it believes also there are no objective moral truths. Cultural relativism believe morality is based on the moral code of a culture. Moral codes…
According to Frankena (1973) Socrates argued that there were three typical patterns of reasoning in moral matters. The first belief was that no one should harm to another person. The principle was if an action was to the detriment of another human then it went counter to moral reasoning. If a person killed another person for whatever cause then it cannot be justified using moral reasoning. This belief has been used by those who oppose fighting a war, condemning a person to death for a crime, or by those choosing to object to abortions. Frankena (1973) uses Socrates example about escaping from jail to validate the point that the action would do harm to the state. Thus, it would hurt people.…
In the first article, Herodotus argues that custom is king. Herodotus wanted to make a point that, even when given a better custom, the people will always prefer their own over anything offered or different. He tried to argue this by stating the fact their King, Cambyses, was insane because he was mocking and insulting the religious practices of other cultures. He proceeded to tell a story about Darius after he took the kingdom. The story involved two groups of people and their moral view on cannibalism.…
JANE: Hi, Zach! ZACHERY: Hello, Jane. JANE:…
Jodie and Mary, sisters from the island Gonzo, were conjoined at birth. Their spine was fused together and they shared the same heart and one set of lungs. Jodie was the stronger sister, as she was providing blood for Mary. Jodie and Mary’s parents, fervent Catholics, were determined to let the sisters stay conjoined. They fully believed that the girls are in the hands of God. Realizing the dire situation, the legal courts stepped in and fought for the girls to receive surgery. If the twins received surgery, Jodie would most likely survive, while Mary would almost definitely die. To continue, if the girls did not receive surgery to separate their limbs, they would both have a serious chance of fatality. The sisters would have around 3-6 months to live (Jones, 2001). Ultimately, there are two different ethical arguments. The argument for Jodie and Mary to receive the surgery to separate their limbs and the argument for the girls to be left alone and at the will of God.…
Ethical relativism is a concept in which most simple minded individuals adhere to. According to definition in the chapter, ethical relativism is the normative theory that what is right is what the culture or individual says is right. Shaw argues that it is not very plausible to say that ethical relativism is determined by what a person thinks is right and wrong. He gives reason that it “collapses the distinction between thinking something is right and it’s actually being right.” Ethical relativism may be justified occasionally. William H. Shaw examines ethical relativism by providing comprehensive examples on why relativism is a weak method in gaining morals.…
My understanding of what Dobson had to say about moral relativism is in agreement with my source, All About God Ministries, Inc. It is stated in their article “All About Philosophy” “Moral relativism is the view that moral truths depend on the individual or group who hold them. There are no moral absolutes. Moral relativism cheapens human life. When morality is reduced to personal tastes, people exchange the question, “What is good?” for the pleasure question, “What feels good?” Rather than basing decisions on what is right, decisions are based on self-interest” ("Moral Relativism”, 2017, para. 5-6)…
Moral Relativism is the thought that the moral beliefs held by individuals is influenced and dependent on the culture in which they live in considers tolerable. Hence, what is considered morally appropriate in a single society perhaps is perceived as immoral in a different society. In actuality they both maybe right as they have distinct creators resulting in different laws, diversity, and possibly religious views of each other. Ruth Benedict defends the theory of moral relativism in her article A Defense of Moral Relativism from The Journal of General Psychology. In contrast, William B. Irvine author of Confronting Relativism feels in a few swift examples people can be talked out of their views on moral…
Moral relativism did not become a prominent topic in philosophy or elsewhere until the 20th century. Moral relativism is the making of an excuse for the action done. Behaviors should not be dismissed under certain circumstances. Moral relativism is dangerous and illogical which can be seen through murders, abortion, and lying.…
Relativism is the idea that one's beliefs and values are understood in terms of one's society, culture, or even one's own individual values. You may disagree with someone and believe your view is superior, relative to you as an individual; more often, relativism is described in terms of the values of the community in which one lives. The view of ethical relativism regards values as determined by one's own ethical standards, often those provided by one's own culture and background. Rather than insisting that there are moral absolutes, moral claims must be interpreted in terms of how they reflect a person's viewpoint; moral claims are then said to be "right in a given culture" or "wrong for a given society." Perhaps one person lives in a culture where having a sexual relationship outside of marriage is regarded as one of the worst things a person can do; in this culture a person engaging in extramarital sex may be punished or even forced to leave. But another culture might have a considerably different…
We all come from different places and are born into different beliefs and do not always agree with one another in what is true and what is not. From television, to Internet and newspapers we get to read what surround us, what is happening in our every day life, but what are we reading and watching is it trustworthy? Can they tell us what is true or false? People disagree about many issues presented to them for example what is said in religion to what science proves and so on. This is where cultural relativism comes in, morally is correct to the beliefs and ethics of a particular culture within that same society. By this theory, no one can go against another society and say that their beliefs are right or wrong; it is up to one’s society where they choose what is correct or wrong. Philosopher James Rachels argues, cannot conclude a disagreement based on opinions on an issue and there could be possible a certainty of truth behind it. Considering this next argument provided by…
Ethical Relativism is the belief that nothing is objectively right or wrong and that the meaning of what is right and wrong depends on the individual and culture. Pojman breaks down Ethical Relativism into 2 main concepts: The Diversity Theory and the Dependency Theory. The Diversity Theory addresses the concept of what is morally right and wrong varies from society to society; therefore, there is no universal moral principles that all societies accept. For example, Homosexuality in the Middle East is a forbidden practice, while in ancient Greek culture, it was said to be a accepted practice. The Dependency Theory says that all moral principles receive their validity from cultural acceptance.…
Over the years, many Christians have put on blinders, turning their heads while shrinking back with words such as, "What can I possibly do by myself?" rather than uniting together in standing for absolute truths. Martin Luther King Jr. wrote from the Birmingham jail, "A just law is a man-made code that squares with the moral law or the law of God." We have heard the expression that a person who doesn't stand for something will fall for anything. We have allowed moral relativism to creep in and push us into the proverbial corner. Moral relativism is a belief that there is no right or wrong, no good or evil where rules no longer exist. Dr. Dobson's letter seems to have more relevance today than it did 20 years ago. I believe relativism has had the most impact in regards to healthcare. The Hippocratic Oath seems to have flown out the window. The patient is no longer the top priority…
Saying that ethics are relative is an effortless way to avoid a controversial topic concerning ethics. In the case of relativism, we can simply say that your opinion is true and mine too and nothing being wrong with that. On the other hand, ethical absolutism tells us that there is an objective moral code and that certain of our actions as humans are necessarily right or wrong. What would happen if we say two contradictory statements can't coexist as Aristotle demonstrated? Through the law of non-contradiction from Aristotle and ethical absolutism, I will argue against ethical relativism.…