Argument Essay
The government does not believe in same- sex marriage. It is not part of the ideal marriage between a man and woman that has been around for decades. The government still believes these individuals has rights and does recognize them as a equal that can live together just not be married..
The argument is whether the government should have a policy that will coerce and compel others to recognize and affirm same- sex marriage and relationships. The premises are one the courts should uphold the law of the traditional marriage, secondly respect the constitutional authority of citizens and their elected officials to make a marriage policy. The conclusion is that a transitional marriage should be between a man and a woman.
I believe this argument has a inductive argument because there is not enough evidence to as why a law should not be passed to recognize same -sex marriage.
In all fifty states, two people of the same sex may choose to live together or join a community that will bless their relationships. Marriage is for a man and woman to come together as one as a husband and wife. It us meant for the husband and wife to become a mom and dad to the children they produced. Marriage is defined as a biological factor that depends on a man and woman. In all reality, a child needs a mother and father and tend to do best when both parents are involved in the child’s life. The government recognizes a traditional marriage because it benefits the public. A marriage protects the children by having the adults to commits to each other and their children. The government also recognizes, protects and promotes the traditional marriage between a man and woman. It is the ideal marriage, procractive love , childbearing and childrearing.
Gay marriage should be legalized in all states because it is their civil right, it increases family value which leads to an increasing rate in adoption, and same sex marriages stimulate the economy through financial increase. Gay couples should be allowed to get married because it should be their private affair. Same sex couples who love each other should be able to publicly celebrate their commitment to one another and have the same benefits of marriage as heterosexual couples. Against arguments can be made about the churches having to accept gay married couples in the church. Same sex households prove to have children be more open-minded and empathetic in comparison to other children. Based on research, a family’s relationship and connection is far more important than the structure of families. In research studies, Human Rights Campaign Foundation discovered that children who are raised by gay people grow up to be just as well in comparison to children raised by straight couples. Because of increasing family value, gay married couples have the potential to increase adoption rates. In New York on June 24th, 2011 gay marriage became legal. Although same sex couples had the legal right to adopt since 1995, after gay marriage became legalized, adoption rates increased. There are already 500,000 children living without parents in the United States and gay marriage is the solution to this issue. Legalizing gay marriage in all states will increase the chance of gay couples to adopt because some agencies will only release children to “married” couples. Gay marriage will allow same sex couples to feel as if they are a family. Biologically, gay couples can’t produce and this leads to the option and attraction to adopting children. Foster children will appreciate the love given from both parents and the unity within the family. Legalizing gay marriage will also give financial benefits to their families and the economy. Same sex couples pay taxes the same way everyone else does, which gives them the right to receive the same benefits as other individuals. Gay couples are denied from spousal and survivor benefits yet they pay equal amounts into social security. This is unfair to gay couples and gay marriage would be able to give them their rights to financial benefits. Gains in the economy entail a potential $8 million dollars of tax revenue for state and local budget used for public affairs. When gay marriage is legalized in all states, florists, wedding planners, jewelers, marriage licensor's, and venue operators would make an estimated $88 million dollars in the first three years gay marriage is legal. Financial gains are one of the positive outcomes of gay marriage. marriage should be available to all people, regardless if they are the same sex. Many people have said that love has no gender, other believe that it should be banned. This issue, whether or not the same-sex marriage should be allowed, is extremely controversial and the debates never end, But regardless if people want to get married or not, they should be able to live a happy life. Lesbian and gay are also humans, and as humans, they should have the fundamental rights of human that allow a human to choose their husband or wife by themselves.
When two people are married, they are taking a vow in front of witnesses, claiming that they will be with each other for the rest of their lives. They state publicly and express their love openly as a sign of commitment to each other. Marriage is a very symbolic gesture, and to take that privilege away from two people who are in love is a serious problem. We love who we want. You can’t change who you fall in love with.
In conclusion, same sex marriage should be legalized in all states. Gay marriage would encourage human civil rights, the creation of family value, an increase in adoption rates, and a financial gain to gay couples and the economy. Gay couples should be allowed to be married to each other if they are in love and are committed. Marriage signifies their commitment as well as heterosexual marriages. They should be able to celebrate their decision as a couple and receive the same benefits as other married couples. Gay couples are already a reality because they are seen together in United States, which should make the states more prone to be more accepting. The marriage amongst gay couples can bring such positive outcomes. There should be a focus on the positive rather than the religious arguments against gay marriage. God gave us free will and the states are denying that right to gay couples. It’s time for people to take action taken by creating a strong message in the media and voting for a president who supports gay marriage. There should be organizations brought to the attention of politicians to create a higher chance of gay marriage being legalized in all states.
Becker, A. B. (2012). What's Marriage (and Family) Got to Do with It? Support for Same-Sex Marriage, Legal Unions, and Gay and Lesbian Couples Raising Children. Social Science Quarterly (Wiley-Blackwell), 93(4), 1007-1029. doi:10.1111/j.1540-6237.2012.00844.
Goetting, N. (2013). GAY MARRIAGE IS A FUNDAMENTAL RIGHT. National Lawyers Guild Review, 70(3), 137-144. https://content.ashford.edu