English 1 TTH 3:15p
February 28, 2012
Argument of Fact: Parents’ Reasons for Homeschooling
When a parent survey was conducted to list their reasons for homeschooling the three most popular reasons came out to have the ability to give their children a better education, other parents were for religious reasons, and lastly parents were concerned with the poor learning environment at schools. Parents that home school are ultimately worried about the environment at schools including safety, drugs, and negative peer pressure.
Parents want to control how much their child learns in a given school year. Parents realize that in some schools children are only limited to the content that is learned in the classroom. It is not always a guarantee that their child will learn beyond the standardized curriculum so parents make the decision to Home school to ensure that their child is getting the education that they deserve. In addition to home schooling, parents seek out private tutors because they may not have the skill set to teach their child in a certain subject area or hire a certified teacher to design instruction for them to use at home. Parents think that there are less distractions at home resulting in higher student achievement. In the classroom, there are many distractions that students must endure to learn. For example, excessive talking in the classroom is a challenge for most students and bullying is becoming more and more prevalent in all classrooms. Therefore, for the sake of their children, parents may choose to home school them to ensure that they have a safe learning environment in which they can significantly increase their learning. Parents want the flexibility that comes along with home schooling their children. Home school Parents are not always the parents who stay-at-home to teach their child. Parents are able to hire a certified teacher, private tutor, or tutoring company to Home schools their child. In