Choice is “an act of selecting or making a decision when faced with two or more possibilities.” This is something that we deal with each and everyday of our lives. We react to things in different ways which determine what outcome that happens afterward. The choices we make are our own and play out to be good or bad. Free will not only result in whatever the outcome may be, but those choices determine how we deal with situations in our life based on our feelings and what we think is best; good or bad. For example, we choose whether or not to get up on time and get ready for our day. This is a choice that we make based on what we feel like doing. Life is full of choices and we deal with them everyday. If we did not make choices, everything would be perfect would it not? No one would do things that they …show more content…
Macbeth chose his dream over anything and anyone in his life. Macbeth had faced many choices and chose the wrong one over and over again. He did this because he was greedy and in need of power. He chose to do the things he did; it was not his fate to become king the way that he did.
One might say that all events are fated in some way, but in order to reach that fate we have to make decisions. We choose the way that we want to respond to all events we face. The greatest gift that was given to us was free will. Making choices in life is something we do every day. Maybe we do have a destiny, but even if we did, we still choose and pick what we want. We get to pick the life that we want by making