What is worldview? Worldview is whatever we use to guide our life and help us along our path of life. As Christians this guide is our Bible. A framework in which we use as a philosophy of life and helps us in our decision making process. (Weider, L. & Gutierrez, B., 2011) It is a way to interpret the life and world around us.
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The Christian worldview of origin is that God created all things from nothing. Everything from the heavens and the earth; light and dark; land and water; vegetation and living creatures; and finally man. (Genesis 1:1-25) God decided to make man in his own image to have dominion over all creatures on the earth. Mankind came into existence by God forming him from nothing, too. (Genesis 2:7) Worldview of identity is that all humans are made in the likeness and the image of God. (Genesis 9:6) As for humans being more important than animals; yes, God tells us to reign over all living creatures. (Genesis 1:28)
Christians believe that our purpose on this earth is to know God and fear him while keeping his commandments. (Ecclesiastes 12:13) Christians ask at times, why do I exist? We exist to have a true intimate relationship with God. We are to love the Lord our God with everything that we are. (Matthew 22:37) As Christians, we believe the worldview of morality is that knowing the right things to do but not do them is a sin. (James 4:17) Knowing the difference between right and wrong though the scriptures of the bible teaches us how to live our lives. And how should we live our lives? By following the Bible, God's commandments and the beatitudes, which show us how to live a blessed life, given to us from God. (Matthew 5:3-11)
Worldview of destiny is that we have eternal life through Jesus Christ. (John 3:16) We know that after we die we will have a place in Heaven to be with our Lord and Savior. (John 14:2-3) Do we have to answer for our choices and the way we lived life? Yes, we know in the book of life