You sit in class everyone buzzing around you hustling from class to class. You’re in the big leagues now. College, it can be difficult but it’s for a bigger goal than being in high school. Being in college is different from high school there’s a lot more freedom and you can gain more confidence while away from your family. There are many benefits to obtaining a college degree. For college graduates there are many more job openings. Randy Tucker from the Journal News presents that, “Regardless of industry, the fastest growth is projected for occupations that require at least a master’s degree.” This means that as the job industry increases then the the new jobs popping up may require at least a master’s degree to be hired. In the College Power Bulletin it explains that, “ College graduates have half the unemployment rates of high school graduates and better job security.” This is saying that if a person is only a high school graduate and did not go to college they will have a higher risk of being unemployed but, a person who has graduated college will have a higher chance of being …show more content…
In the College Power Bulletin it suggests that, “You will meet smart and interesting people and make lifelong friends.” This is explaining to anyone looking to go to college that if they go to college it will not be boring everyone will make new friends that will be friends with them for a long, long time. Also in the College Power Bulletin it states that, “At college, it is cool to be smart. You will learn how to think and express yourself more clearly and solve important problems. You will become more confident.” They are stating that while in college being free as college students are they can learn how to solve problems themselves without someone there. They can also become more confident with around other people and new situations that may pop up will away from home at