Would you like to eat cleanly and simply while meeting your body’s nutritional needs? Then cut out processed food and adopt the Paleolithic way of eating. This was the way early humans, who were hunters and gatherers, ate. The paleo diet is a simpler and healthier way of eating.
The paleo diet recommends you eat unprocessed-natural fats, protein, and carbohydrates. Eat only what can be picked, uprooted, or killed in nature. Chris Kresser, the author of Your Personal Paleo Code, writes “There is broad consensus among scientists that our Paleolithic ancestors consumed primarily meat, fish, vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds and starchy tubers.” Paleo supporters have great disdain for things that come out of boxes or that have been refined or processed before reaching the marketplace. Some examples of processed foods include: sweets, juices, processed meats, breads, and boxed cereals. Many of these products need chemical-based preservatives that may or may not offset the natural biochemical systems in the body, leading to poor health conditions. Processed foods are usually laden with sugar or high fructose corn syrup. Research of the cause and patterns of disease on people, found that the consumption of sugar is related to metabolic syndrome. Stanhope et al., 2013. According to …show more content…
There are even some who recommend the complete elimination of animal products in favor of fruits, vegetables, and grains. Who wants to cut out meat or measure and count calories of all the food they eat? These other ways of eating are restrictive and unbalanced due to the artificial ingredients that are often included and the need to count and measure. There is no counting or measuring in the paleo diet. Paleo practitioners simply eat fat, protein, and carbs that could be found in nature. That’s