should not be killed because they have the potential to live a successful life. It is also believed that aborting a fetus and not giving it the chance to live desecrates the sanctity of life because life is supposed to be holy and that the “human agency is subordinate to God’s will where he alone is capable of conferring life” (Morgan, 18). Anti-abortionists strongly believe that a fetus or embryo should be treated like a human being and not just a clump of cells or tissues because of its potential to become a fully fledged adult that lives its life. They see abortions as unnecessary because there is the option to give up an unwanted child for adoption and abortion itself can result into complex medical situations that physically and psychologically affect the woman. On the other hand, you have people who are for abortion that uses rationalistic reasoning and the concept of free will to defend the practice.
The argument is that life does not necessarily begin at conception where the fetus is just a mere clump of cells and tissues; it’s argued that the fetus is truly alive when it can perpetuate life on its without direct aid from the mother herself. According to Thomson, she creates an analogy by stating that “A newly fertilized ovum, a newly implanted clump of cells, is no more a person than an acorn is an oak tree” (Thomson, 47). Another key point is free will, it’s where the mother has the right to decide if she wants an abortion or not because it deals with her body alone and it’s her choice of what should happen to her own body; this is where the term pro-choice is originated from. Also this augments why people are for abortion like in extreme cases, such as where the mother’s life in danger if she gives birth or if a woman who was raped becomes pregnant as a result. People who support the right to have an abortion believes that it’s part of a woman’s right to privacy. This is reinforced in 1973, where the Supreme Court case of Roe v. Wade was a milestone decision that legalized abortion in the United States after ruling that a Texas law prohibiting abortion except to save the mother’s life was
unconstitutional. I believe that people should have the choice if they want an abortion or not so therefore I am pro-choice. Children who are born deserve to come into the world with a purpose that was intended and who will be loved, but there are many women who gets pregnant unexpectedly or has no desire to have children. Abortion is suitable option for them because it prevents a child being born into being abandoned. A woman's body belongs to herself and she has the ultimate right to decide what happens to it, because again it’s all about free will, and she can only decide if she wants an abortion. If a women gets raped and becomes pregnant, being 9 months pregnant with the baby and having to raise it will constantly remind the women of the trauma she went through leading to psychological problems. Having an abortion can be seen as the only option for a woman who has been raped because it will significantly lessen any mental and emotional trauma as she can finally move on, without the child holding her back in pain. Also, raped woman who do give birth to their rapist’s child are probably more likely to abuse or neglect the child because of the negative attachment the child holds. You also have cases where a women giving birth can result into the mother’s death. In this case, the women may choose abortion because her body is the top priority and she decides what she wants to endure. Although many people consider abortion to be murder, the truth is that the fetus is truly not living on its own because it depends on the mother’s body and resources in order to be sustainable. In conclusion, I believe that people should have the option to have an abortion if they choose to because it’s all about having rights on behalf of an individual’s body and what they personally want.