Students in urban areas already do not have the same advantage as their suburban counterparts causing their education to reflect the environment they come from. An analysis of 2009 graduation rates found that 60.9 percent of high-schoolers in cities graduated across the country, compared with 75.3 percent in suburbs(Butrymowicz). Suburban and Urban schools should receive the same educations with the same amount of funding, privileges, and learning experiences to allow a similar and equal advantage to becoming successful in life. In order to prevent graduation rates from dropping any lower due to neighborhood differences and allowing the achievement gap to become a gaping hole, the government needs to take immediate action financially and socially by giving more funding for education reform specifically to create new ways to prevent high school dropout rates from increasing as well as finding better teachers who can assimilate to the circumstances they are
Students in urban areas already do not have the same advantage as their suburban counterparts causing their education to reflect the environment they come from. An analysis of 2009 graduation rates found that 60.9 percent of high-schoolers in cities graduated across the country, compared with 75.3 percent in suburbs(Butrymowicz). Suburban and Urban schools should receive the same educations with the same amount of funding, privileges, and learning experiences to allow a similar and equal advantage to becoming successful in life. In order to prevent graduation rates from dropping any lower due to neighborhood differences and allowing the achievement gap to become a gaping hole, the government needs to take immediate action financially and socially by giving more funding for education reform specifically to create new ways to prevent high school dropout rates from increasing as well as finding better teachers who can assimilate to the circumstances they are