the case. The justices of the case were Earl Warren, Hugo Black, Stanley F. Reed, Felix Frankfurter, William O. Douglas, Robert H. Jackson, Harold H. Burton, Tom C. Clark, and Sherman Minton. The Supreme Court made an unanimous decision 9-0 and stated that de jure racial segregation was ruled as a violation of the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution. Not only did this overturn the case of Plessy v. Ferguson, but it also set a precedent on equality throughout the civil war and thereafter.
I fully support the decision made by the Supreme Court because it was rational, intellectual, and progressive.
No one should be a victim of discrimination whatsoever, especially based on their skin color. A person has no control over how they look and it does not define who they are. People define themselves through what they do and how they act. Each person has potential and everyone should be given a chance to do something or be someone great. If a person is to be judged, it should be based on their behaviorism and mannerism. The fact that society in the 1900’s believed that they could act like they were good people by “stopping discrimination and equalizing” yet separating white and black is appalling. Society was only trying to create the image of equality to make themselves look like they were the better and more progressive people, however, they were not. Aside from those few who were truly against it, the common people discriminated and it was wrong of them to do
so. The case Plessy v. Ferguson brought forth a backwards decision, but the Supreme Court righted that wrong by completely ruling equality. If the Supreme Court did not rule its decision as it did, then the world we live in could have been completely different. The Civil War may not have happened and inequality and discrimination might still be frequent. It would only bring chaos and no peace. There is absolutely no point in racism or segregation. Everybody is different outwards and inwards, physically and mentally, and so on. Color should not be specifically targeted just because of what people can see. Color just points out that everybody is different and we should be accepting of that. Acceptance is the pathway to a greater and progressive society. Even now there is still some discrimination, but at least it is minimal now and hopefully disappears all together as we progress as people individually and as a society together.