A child’s opinion of a clown is often made based on how the clown is portrayed to them. A clown’s appearance is a huge part in how the child will view the clown. To young audiences, a clown appears with more color and seems to be happier. All of the bright colors make the children feel cheerful. The clown will usually have a multi-colored Afro and fun props to go along with its colorful and wacky outfit. Clowns use the props to perform a multitude of outrageous and unbelievable tricks that grasp the …show more content…
The clown might still have a huge smile on its face, as it does for children, but this time it turns into a creepy, Cheshire cat smile. The clown does not have as many colors on its clothing, and now they are toned down. All of the colors seem to have a gray tint to them. The clown that was once used to cause laughter, is now haunting. Throughout many haunted houses are clowns chasing every victim and awaiting a chance to scare even more, instead of performing tricks to light up children’s faces. Haunted houses aren’t the only things that have popularized clowns. Movies, especially around Halloween, put their main focus on a clown. In most movies the clown’s intentions are to kill, contrary to the children’s version of a clown’s motives. The popularizing of clowns through scary movies and haunted houses sets a completely different tone than that of an upbeat, friendly clown that just wants everyone to be happy. A clown no longer symbolizes fun, laughter, and joy, but rather unpleasantness, terror, and