The creator envisioned a show following six trending young people: the confused Paleontologist Ross, the simple minded and womanizing actor Joey, the sarcastic and self-loathing Chandler, the girly girl Rachel, the OCD prone chef Monica, and the airheaded and free spirited Phoebe. This unique bunch of characters became loved by the public for their banter and their individual personalities and story arcs. Along with another popular sitcom called “Seinfeld”, “Friends” began a new trend of humor based on dialogue that ranged from deep, to absurd, to somewhat risque. Although Seinfeld and “Friends” were certainly not the same show, with “Friends” revolving more around deeper plot …show more content…
The original plot was meant to revolve around the relationship between Joey and Monica, while Chandler and Phoebe were meant to be side characters. Another major change to Chandler was that he was originally gay, however the creators decided to keep Chandler straight and his sexuality is a running gag throughout the series. Even the now iconic theme song, “I’ll Be There for You”, by the Rembrandts was originally “Shining Happy People” by R.E.M (Galindo 1). Kauffman and Crane desired that each of the six characters would have equal prominence throughout the