will it ever recover? This question will be answered with three main points. First, trust is now lost in the law enforcement. Second, the law enforcement are not doing their jobs for their country. Finally, the law enforcement’s reputation will never recover. To start off with, the trust is now lost in the law enforcement. Usually growing up, many people learn that the law enforcements are like the “good guys”, and most of them are but because of the select few this image has been tarnished. Parents usually tell their children that if and police. They are also burning down gas stations and protesting outside the police station. This is important because trust is crucial between the citizens and the people protecting them, because it makes it harder for the law enforcements to do their jobs which leads into the next point. anything goes wrong, go find some type of law enforcement and listen to them. Usually kids absorb everything, so when they hear about some type of protest is going on against the police, then that makes them start thinking differently about whether or not the police are really trustable. As for people who are older, when someone knows that their own law enforcement might not see you as a first priority if something bad happens, then that does lead to some discomfort and loss of trust. If this happens then the result is Milwaukee in which citizens are throwing rocks at windows
Law enforcement’s job is to protect the people. It doesn’t matter who it is, everyone should be protected the same. So logically it would make sense for the law enforcements to keep more of a watch in the areas that have the higher crime rate. For example, according to crimereports.com, they’re two sides to Milwaukee. There is the lower East Side of Milwaukee which is more privileged and has almost no crime rate compared to downtown which has numerous times more crime rate than the East Side. Also the quality of life in downtown is way below the national average compared to the East Side which is a little above average. It is actually rated at a 80/100 when the average is about 75/100. To compare, Parkville is hovering around that 80/100 mark. Yet, the police are seen to be on the patrol more on the East Side which leads to faster response times. The downtown is majority African American while the East Side is majority white. This proves that the police in Milwaukee prioritize the privileged neighborhoods compared to others even though the crime rate there is little to none On mappingpoliceviolence.org, they say that in the year 2015, 102 African Americans died at the hands of the police while being unarmed. This is 5 times more than any other race in America even though African Americans are only 13% of the population. Any unarmed person is not any major threat to others and should not be killed but simply arrested. Furthermore, only 2 out of these 102 crimes resulted in convictions and only 1 of those 2 actually received jail time. This means that the law enforcements are killing people who were never really a threat to the police or the people around while somewhere else there could be somebody who is actually harming the citizens. In many neighborhoods, the police stop people walking on the street because they “fit the profile” and almost every time it’s just a group of friends walking and basically a waste of time for both parties. This leads to people getting away with crimes which is exactly the opposite of what the law enforcement is supposed to do, and that takes us into the final point.
The law enforcement’s reputation will never recover.
The reason for this is that due to all these unarmed citizens being killed, it makes many think that someone that they love could be next. While not all law enforcement are fueled by racism, citizens still wonder whether their own police department could have that one officer that doesn’t see others as the same people. In the year 2016, the United States is a diverse country and the people protecting us need to be aware of that. When someone turns on their TV and sees these protests against the police, it doesn’t really help their reputation. Our law enforcements should be counted on as to when someone has been a victim, he or she should get help right away regardless. Also, if somebody lets their kid goes outside, they should be know that the police will never hurt them or even kill them for sometimes no reason. This used to be the case a few years ago, but in light of the recent events, that reputation has disappeared and won’t be likely to get back. In fact, this crime of killing unarmed African Americans is only increasing so it isn’t like the law enforcements are trying to change. This is the reason why the law enforcement’s reputation will never
recover. In conclusion, the recent events in Milwaukee have really impacted the reputation of our law enforcement around the country. There has been unfair treatment and too many innocent people dying. This leads to 3 main things which are loss of trust, not doing their job, and their reputation being tarnished everyday with no real hope of going back. Our country should not be divided and it is important to be able to rely on our law enforcement with no hesitation. There shouldn’t be fear to call the police. As a country we need to stop this.