When asking yourself why one grieves or moarns due to a death is often having a certain relationship with a person. Now, I doubt that all those crying on television, placing flowers by the apple store door and all those internet status posters with sad words. It surely isn’t possible that all those people have such a close relationship with this person. Then we ask ourselves, if we don’t really know him that well, was he actually so important as all the media claim. In an article by Cask J Thompson we already find that Jobs didn’t really invent a thing. After further extensive research we find a list of all things that Jobs had patented in his lifetime. The list consists of things such as ‘Lanyards’, ‘Clasps’, ‘Sleeves’, and ‘Packages. Its quite strange that all these documentaries put Jobs through as an inventor and
When asking yourself why one grieves or moarns due to a death is often having a certain relationship with a person. Now, I doubt that all those crying on television, placing flowers by the apple store door and all those internet status posters with sad words. It surely isn’t possible that all those people have such a close relationship with this person. Then we ask ourselves, if we don’t really know him that well, was he actually so important as all the media claim. In an article by Cask J Thompson we already find that Jobs didn’t really invent a thing. After further extensive research we find a list of all things that Jobs had patented in his lifetime. The list consists of things such as ‘Lanyards’, ‘Clasps’, ‘Sleeves’, and ‘Packages. Its quite strange that all these documentaries put Jobs through as an inventor and