Mrs. Wilkerson
AVID Pd. 0
Dogs are better than cats
Do you prefer a dog over a cat or a cat over a dog? I prefer a dog. Why do I prefer a dog you might ask? I prefer a dog due to the fact that they are very obedient than cats, dogs are better companions than cats, dogs promote an active lifestyle, dogs can be trained, and that dogs protect you from danger.
Have you ever seen a dog be obedient to its owner? I have and in fact I have experienced it as well. Dogs are very obedient to their owners. One way dogs show that they are obedient is that they obey you when you give them a command. When you tell a cat to sit or lay down, they really never do what you tell them to do; they just do whatever they want. For the most part, dogs can almost understand what we tell them to do. Sometimes they won’t understand and do whatever. Whereas cats just do what they please, and they also choose to ignore us. Dogs are a whole lot better to teach than to teach a cat. Why? Dogs mostly do what you say instead of cats where they ignore you and do whatever.
Do you know why dogs are better companions than cats? Dogs are very devoted to their owners, whereas cats aren’t. This means that dogs are very attached to their owners. Cats are like outcast, they really don’t want to be part of you or your life. Now …show more content…
some cats may, for example: my cat loves me and follows me around all the time and I know that she wants to be part of my life. Dogs always have been faithful to their owners for over 1000 years. Cats aren’t really faithful like dogs are. Dogs can love you unconditionally, and we can’t see how they love us. Cats on the other hand can’t love you unconditionally.
Dylan Funk Funk2
Mrs. Wilkerson
AVID Pd. 0
Did you know that dogs promote an active lifestyle? Dogs love to walk and run outside. Some cats hate exercising, they just like to stay inside and sleep all day. Dogs can be very interactive and playful, whereas cats don’t. Dogs also love playing ball and tug-a-war. Cats don’t do anything like this. In my opinion, they are the world’s laziest animals besides a koala and sloth.
Have you ever trained your dog?
I know I have. Yes training a dog is a lot of work and takes a long time but it does help make them a better dog. Dogs are very responsive to cues that humans give. Cats don’t even care what you give them as a cue, they won’t do it. Another thing is that they are easily motivated. Dogs can be easily motivated if you give them treats and compliment them when they do something good. Cats will never be motivated to do anything. Dogs have problem solving capabilities. This means that they can solve a problem easily. Cats on the other hand don’t have problem solving capabilities and they can’t solve a problem at
Did you know that dogs can protect you from danger? Dogs are the man’s best friend when it comes to danger. Dogs have these sharp teeth and nails that can harm or even kill an intruder. Cats on the other hand don’t. Yes some cats have sharp nails and sharp teeth, but that cannot possibly injure or kill an intruder. Another thing that dogs have at an advantage those cats is their body weight. Dogs are much heavier that cats are. Dogs can easily jump on an intruder and knock them down, while cats can’t because of their body weight. Another thing dogs do that cats don’t is that they can alarm a human when there is danger. Dogs can bark,
Dylan Funk Funk3
Mrs. Wilkerson
AVID Pd. 0
growl, and even howl to get a humans attention if there is danger. Cats can only meow and besides that, they are not loud enough to get the humans attention if there was any danger. Cats are like mice, very quiet and stealth.
In conclusion, these are the facts that dogs are better than cats. Again I do prefer dogs over cats at any time. Even though I love cats to, I choose dogs. I prefer a dog due to the fact that they are very obedient than cats, dogs are better companions than cats, dogs promote an active lifestyle, dogs can be trained, and that dogs protect you from danger.