As of this time there is a popular video going around showcasing the relationship between a mother and her thirteen year old daugher. Spoiler alert: it’s not good. In this short time period that we get to look at these two individuals it is easy to see that communication as well as discipline, growth and optimism do not play a part in their relationship whatsoever and it severely damaging their bond for life (“What Happened To The Tough-Talking Teen Who Had America Buzzing . . .Danielle Is Back."). This case is drastic yes, but these situations are around you everyday whether you can see it or not. In fact it is not uncommon for people to have difficult relationships with people they live with without even realizing it or seeing the consequences this could hold for them in the …show more content…
I know this sounds trivial and silly but this particular connection is far more important than people would expect. Ph. D John Bradshaw states that although the owner’s bond with the animal will remain constant and strong no matter the species of the animal, their feelings towards you could be significantly different depending on which animal you choose. He then backs up this claim stating the obvious “cats are different from dogs”. This is something we all know but we probably don’t pay much attention to what that means when choosing an animal to grow a relationship with. For instance, a dog will need to be walked unlike a cat, which means you will need to commit to the extra exercise and work put into an animal, this may be why dog owners stress that their bond is much greater than those of a cat owner (Bradshaw, John, Ph.