In the world, there are many endangered species. Animals are being threatened by many dangers in the wild. With zoos, animals can be protected. According to an online article,(Arguments For and Against Zoos, Doris Lin) zoos can save endangered species by bringing them into a safe environment. In zoos, animals are where they are being protected from habitat loss, starvation, predators, and poachers. Poachers hunt these animals in the wild for their fur, ivory, and sometimes meat. Furthermore, advanced breeding programs today can help many of these endangered species. The article, “Zoos: Joys or Jails”, states that the breeding programs have helped animals from being endangered like the black-footed ferret. Another example of a specie saved from extinction, is the Californian Condor. …show more content…
Animals in the wild who are badly injured or have no place to call home, can be taken to zoos and are taken care of. Animals can live in zoos that are made to simulate their habitat. Additionally, animals are fed and kept clean by those who work there. According to the article, “Two Views of the Zoo”, the San Diego Zoo had 1,800 acres especially for their animals. Also, veterinarians at the zoos can bring these animals back to health. Then, release them back into a safe place in the