English 102
Professor Vargas Liberty and Language? America is a wonderful country that holds a distinctive quality and that is the acceptance of people from different ethnicities and race to form part of America. Numerous Polls have consistently proved that most Americans believe immigrants who are in the United States illegally should be granted legal status if they take the steps of learning English. This is understandable and should be reinforced. What can't be fair is forcing all immigrants to learn English regardless of their goals in this country. It is great that the United States has no official language. It is a much better idea to allow immigrants to choose whether they want to become legal citizens or not. According to a new poll, nearly 76 percent of adults said immigrants who came to the United States illegally should speak and understand English before gaining legal status, a Pew Research/USA Today poll released Sunday. The proposal that is being weighed by the Senate requires those immigrants to be proficient in English or be enrolled in a program to learn English. Many immigrants come to the United States to prosper and desire citizenship that learning English would be less of a factor than to not be nervous when taking the exam
As a daughter of two immigrants whose goal was to prosper in the united states i can say that if a person wants to assimilate he or she will regarding the many factors. Both of my parents came to America having no single English word in their vocabulary. While working on their goals they realized that having a few English words in their vocabulary would be beneficial, so they did. My parents who learned to adapt and raised 2 children at the age of 19 now hold managing positions at their jobs and became U.S citizens all with the help of English. If the willingness to succeed is within the immigrant then he or she should be granted the chance to.
The resources to learn the English