The different routes it can take to save them are plentiful, though, which makes it seem even more unreal. Any testing done cannot be used to discriminate due to the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act, which prevents discrimination from an employer or by an insurance company. This means that just because you choose to get tested doesn’t mean that anyone needs to know about it besides who you choose to disclose it to (Frequently). Even though it cannot effect a job, it does affect a family. With Huntington’s, if someone afflicted with it has children, those offspring are going to be growing up with the uncertainty of whether or not they have it, or at the very least are carriers for it. Testing can bring certainty to lives that have been turned upside down by either oneself or a loved one. Also by testing, if someone has the carrier gene, they can make a smart decision by adopting or getting a surrogate (Disease). Hopefully more people will get genetic testing for Huntington’s Disease because if people who have or carry it don’t have children, there is a possibility for it to become much less prevalent in society
The different routes it can take to save them are plentiful, though, which makes it seem even more unreal. Any testing done cannot be used to discriminate due to the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act, which prevents discrimination from an employer or by an insurance company. This means that just because you choose to get tested doesn’t mean that anyone needs to know about it besides who you choose to disclose it to (Frequently). Even though it cannot effect a job, it does affect a family. With Huntington’s, if someone afflicted with it has children, those offspring are going to be growing up with the uncertainty of whether or not they have it, or at the very least are carriers for it. Testing can bring certainty to lives that have been turned upside down by either oneself or a loved one. Also by testing, if someone has the carrier gene, they can make a smart decision by adopting or getting a surrogate (Disease). Hopefully more people will get genetic testing for Huntington’s Disease because if people who have or carry it don’t have children, there is a possibility for it to become much less prevalent in society