
Arguments In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Arguments In To Kill A Mockingbird
Learning Morality Argument: To Kill a Mockingbird

Prompt: What factors in our lives and communities can advance or inhibit our moral growth? What kind of experiences help us learn how to judge the difference between right and wrong?

It goes without saying that understanding the type of moral development is one of the most important issues facing us today. According to Lawrence Kohlberg, moral development consists of three different stages in which the individual responds to. The three stages are the consequences of misbehavior, to the expectations of others, and then finally to “ ‘Higher’ laws of morality and ethics even when they conflict with the law, authority, and social order.” The following essay takes a look at the author’s opinion of the argument and an overview of moral development.
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When it comes to making these decisions, there are two results from it. Not only do individuals obey authority figures in order to avoid punishment, but also choose a choice to trade or cooperate with others in order to get what they want or need. As far as I’m concerned, I believe that we makes such choices in order to avoid punishment from authorities ( police officers, officials, sheriff, government, judges, etc.) such as going to jail, being arrested, harming your records, paying fines, or anything that ends up with an unpleasant outcome. Because who would want to get punished by officials? Definitely not

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