
Aristophanes 'Lysistrata'

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Lysistrata essay

The book takes place in Athens (Greece) during the Peloponnesian Wars between Athens and Sparta. All of the scenes take place on the Acropolis and shrine on a rough hill 500 feet above sea level–accessible through a marble gateway (the Propylaea). The acropolis had a gigantic ivory-and-gold statue of the. Athena, the goddess of wisdom and war and the patron goddess of Athens, was honored in the temple as Athena Parthenos. The characters come from various parts of Greece such as Pylos, Boeotia, Thebes, Corinth and Anagyr. Lysistrata is the history of a house wife which is furious to the pointless war between Athens and Sparta and manages to have a “sex strike” as a sign of protest. She convinces all of the other women of Athens and Sparta to follow this strike to force the men to make peace. Lysistrata was written by Aristophanes in 411 B.C and is classified as a stage play and is said to be old comedy.
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The first message we get from the play is that our world would be better place if the men instead would stay at home and love their wife instead of fighting a meaningless war and wasting of lives, money, and energy. Another message given to us is how this war did not only split up a nation but destroyed families and had decimated a whole generation. We see that Greek women who are seen as inferior being compared to the men fight for their rights and win as they able to unite themselves to fight this problem (by stopping any sexual intercourse with their husbands or the men in

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