of the crime, because he could not of been at the door of his apartment in the ten second s between the noise and him supposedly leaving. This is due to the fact the old man has a limp leg that he drags across the floor when he walks. He proved the old man could not have gotten to the door because it would have taken 44.5 seconds to get from the bed to the door. Another Example of Logos used would be about the woman seeing and hearing the crime from across the street. Juror eight proved this to be impossible by stating the following. First, the woman who claims to of seen the boy kill his father would have had to saw the act done through a train. Which right away rules out anyone hearing the act? Second, the woman wore glasses which suggest she already has bad vision, making it nearly impossible to see the boy through the window s of the passing train.
of the crime, because he could not of been at the door of his apartment in the ten second s between the noise and him supposedly leaving. This is due to the fact the old man has a limp leg that he drags across the floor when he walks. He proved the old man could not have gotten to the door because it would have taken 44.5 seconds to get from the bed to the door. Another Example of Logos used would be about the woman seeing and hearing the crime from across the street. Juror eight proved this to be impossible by stating the following. First, the woman who claims to of seen the boy kill his father would have had to saw the act done through a train. Which right away rules out anyone hearing the act? Second, the woman wore glasses which suggest she already has bad vision, making it nearly impossible to see the boy through the window s of the passing train.