Aristotle’s notion differs from the usual conception of a soul as some sort of substance occupying the body, existing separately and eternally. To him, the soul is the essence of a living thing. The soul is what makes an organism an organism at all by actualizing its potential for life, and it’s constituted by its capacity for activities essential to that specific type of being. His investigation into the nature of the soul demonstrates basic principles of his philosophical theories at work, including Hylomorphism, potentiality and actuality, and his four causes. His use of these theories in analyzing and teasing out the complexities of the soul make for a cohesive and comprehensive study, easily amenable with his other works. In this paper I will analyze his notion of the soul as described in De Anima, recounting how he came to define the soul, the explanation of the soul, how the souls of different kinds of ensouled beings differ, and his unique concept of how the soul is related to the body.
Aristotle begins Book 1 of De Anima by stating that since the soul is a principle of animals, and here I will interpret animals to mean more broadly beings, describing its essence has implications beyond its obvious scope. In unfolding the nature of the soul, it is possible to determine which attributes belong to the soul alone and which belong to the organism in virtue of having a soul (Aristotle, De Anima 402a). So besides exploring the nature of life, his analysis will also seek to answer the question of whether all mental states (of the soul) are also material states of the body, or whether some attributes of the soul are unique to it. In doing so, we are confronted with the interesting implication of Aristotle’s position on the mind/body problem, to which I will get to later on.
Returning to the question at hand (what is the soul?), Aristotle starts his investigation by use of his explanatory theory of Hylomorphism, which states that
Cited: Aristotle, Terence Irwin, and Gail Fine. "De Anima." Aristotle: Selections. Indianapolis: Hackett Pub., 1995. 402-34. Print. Aristotle, Terence Irwin, and Gail Fine. "Physics." Aristotle: Selections. Indianapolis: Hackett Pub., 1995. 184-263. Web. Shields, Christopher. "Aristotle 's Psychology." (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy). N.p., 23 Aug. 2010. Web. 20 Dec. 2012.