“For instance, if ten be too large, and two be too small, if we take six we take the mean relative to the thing itself [or the arithmetical mean]; for it exceeds one extreme by the same amount by which it is exceeded by the other extreme: and this is the mean in arithmetical proportion.” In the passage from the text he is talking about the mean in terms of logic and reasoning. He is talking the mean in math or science, but in real life it not this easy to find the mean. For example it might be best for you to move your family to Tennessee because it’s cheaper, better jobs and school. Despite its logical your wife and kids don’t want to move to Tennessee, because your family and friend are all here and the kids are settled into elementary school. Things really are as simple as a math problem or term in real life. …show more content…
“But the mean relative to us cannot be found in this way.
If ten pounds of food is too much for a given man to eat, and two pounds too little, it does not follow that the trainer will order him six pounds: for that also may perhaps be too much for the man in question, or too little; too little for Milo, too much for the beginner. The same holds true in running and wrestling.” In this text he is saying that the mean is different for each person and a smart person with virtue know this. Example for me I might need 50 worth food to survive each week and the next man might need 100 worth food to survive. He also saying that you can’t compare apples to oranges a virtuous person remember this when making
“Virtue, then, is a habit or trained faculty of choice” virtue (Behavior showing high moral standard) is something that is learned is it not something that we are born with. Holding you self you higher standards is something that your experiences, life choices and environment teaches you.
“Regarded in its essence, therefore, or according to the definition of its nature, virtue is a moderation or middle state, but viewed in its relation to what is best and right it is the extreme of perfection” he saying that virtue is knowing the mean or middle state and relating the math term to what best and right. “With regard to pleasantness in amusement, he who observes the mean may be called witty, and his character wittiness; excess may be called buffoonery, and the man is a buffoon; while "tedious" may stand for the person who is deficient, and "tediousness" describes his character”
Virtue is know the mean or middle point between excess and deficiency not enough. With emotion we have to be able to balance out each feeling and not to feel too much of any one emotion. With money he saying that a person should only make enough to pay your bills and live there no need for excess. To be virtues mean to walk between excess and deficiency this is what he try to teach thru this story. Every choice should be made using your personal mean for this is true virtue knowing that too much meaning excess or too little meaning deficiency is the difference between a buffoon and a witty person.