Virtue, according to Aristotle, is equivalent to excellence (Hutchinson, 41). A man has virtue as a guitarist, for instance, if he plays the guitar well, since playing the guitar is the distinctive activity of a guitarist. Similarly, the virtuous person is someone who performs the distinctive activity of being human well. Rationality is our distinctive activity – that is, the activity …show more content…
Aristotle distinguishes between moral and intellectual virtues. Moral virtue has to do with feeling, choosing, and acting well. Intellectual virtue is identified as a kind of wisdom acquired by teaching. In book one, chapter thirteen Aristotle says, "Some virtues are called virtues of thought, others virtues of character; wisdom, comprehension, and prudence are called virtues of thought, generosity and temperance virtues of character. For when we speak of someone's character we do not say that he is wise or has good comprehension, but that he is gentle or temperate. And yet, we also praise the wise person for his state, and the states that are praiseworthy are the ones we call virtues" (33). It is understood that virtue of thought goes hand in hand with being a knowledgeable person. This virtue comes about mainly from teaching. Moral virtues, by contrast, are acquired through habituation (Aristotle, …show more content…
According to John McDowll, “The intellectual virtues help us to know what is just and admirable, and the moral virtues help us to do just and admirable deeds” (McDowell, 342). More specifically, the intellectual virtues help us determine the best means to the ends at which the moral virtues teach us to aim. We have no helpful understanding of virtue until we learn what this right principle is. To learn about the right principle, we must examine the intellectual virtues. Without prudence and cleverness, a well-disposed person can never be truly virtuous, because these intellectual virtues help us grasp the right principles of