Coach P’s gaffe began when he was selecting the Varsity team and using the individual performance metrics from the ergometer and weight records, and neglecting to utilize any personality traits in the selection process. While the individual skills are important piece, the team element of trust and confidence are crucial in helping a crew team to be successful and synchronizing their rowing. As Snook and Polzner point out in the case, research done by the U.S. Olympic Committee showed that master coaches of racing crews highlighted psychological variables as the key elements for success. What is interesting though is that Coach P was aware of the U.S. Olympic Committee’s research and the emphasis on the psychological factor, yet he felt based on his experience and judgment as a coach he could do his own analyzing of the team.
The Varsity Crew team
As the article points out trust is a required for component for a successful a team and that the team is only as strong as it weakest