An arranged marriage is an union between two prospective spouses chosen by the parents and sometimes between the extended family. In most cases of arranged marriages the two partners can have a say in it after several meetings with one another or even just once. However, in some cases the parents make the final decision and do not let the daughter or son have a say in it after that. This is explained well in Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, "Arranged marriages can also be very flexible. In one scenario, the parents introduce their son or daughter to several potential mates, while giving two the final decision, given sometime" (2005). The relationship in an arranged marriage starts off from not knowing each other and or no feelings, and as time moves on, the love is built on together as the partners get to know each other more and spend more time together. The partners learn to
References: ugust, P. (2005, October). Arranged Marriages in the Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved from, H. & Spanier, G. (1978). Modern Marriage. McGraw-Hill Book Company. Mullen, T. (2005). Love Marriages. iloveindia. http://weddings.iloveindia.comNighat, S. (2005) personal Interview. 7 December. O 'Neil, N. & O 'Neil, G. (1973, February). Open Marriage. Dushkin Publishing Company Group Inc. Sabreen, F. (2005, May). Arranged versus Love Marriage. The New Nation