Marcel Duchamp was born on July 28th, 1887 in France. He is most famous for his ready-made artwork called “Fountain” 1917, a urinal which was not made by Duchamp, the only modification made to the urinal was a signature signed by Marcel Duchamp which was not his. This caused controversy over whether this was really an artwork. In saying this, Marcel Duchamp, his ready-mades (‘Bicycle Wheel”1913 and “Fountain”1917) and the use of the post-modern frame can help prove that ‘Artists are no longer the makers of their art but have become manages and coordinators’.
Marcel Duchamp’s ready-made called “Bicycle Wheel”1913 can support that artists are no longer the makers of their art but have become manages and coordinators. The purpose of making or managing and coordinating the artwork “Bicycle Wheel”1913 was to break the traditional meaning of what an artwork is. Duchamp’s artwork “Bicycle Wheel”1913 consists of materials; a bicycle wheel, stool and a fork. The ordinary bicycle wheel and the fork were placed on top of the stool and were named a work of art by Duchamp. There is controversy on whether Duchamp is the creator of the artwork or merely just the manager and coordinator of the piece. Taking the post-modern frame into consideration, the traditional criteria of what an artwork is or what an artwork should be does not apply in the context of this artwork by Duchamp. Therefore it can be said that artists are more so the manages and coordinators of their art rather than being the actual makers of their art. This can also be seen in another ready-made of Marcel Duchamp, “Fountain”1917.
“Fountain”1917 by Marcel Duchamp can prove that artists are merely only the managers and coordinators of their art and no longer the actual makers. Marcel Duchamp’s “Fountain” was made in 1917. It is a urinal which was not created by Duchamp, the only modification Duchamp made to the