Title: Venezuela food shortages: ‘No one can explain why a rich country has no food.’
Author: Journalist Virginia Lopez.
Date: Thursday 26th September 2013.
Source: Guardian (online article.)
Summary of points raised:
The article highlights that it is possible for a rich country producing a sufficient amount of oil, to have food shortages. This is reinforced by economist Asdrubal Oliveros who claims, “Oil production has decreased,” there has also been a “decrease in agricultural production.” Venezuela as a country relies on Oil and with the dependence on imports food shortages in Venezuela is lasting longer than expected. This then causes huge problems for locals, as they struggle greatly “to make ends meet.” Furthermore the article raises the point of current President Maduro blaming CIA for this matter.
Summary of views of writer:
As a writer of the Guardian newspaper, Lopez seems to have the same views. The Guardian is recognized as left wing, they aim to support those who cannot support themselves and are idealist who believes in equality, thus supporting Lopez’s view. This left wing approach is presented in the subheading, as it reveals “Venezuelan president blames CIA,” situating this as a subheading infers that the author also agrees with the president, hence the article includes elements of being bias. Lopez seems to support former president Hugo Chavez, as he used The Food and Agriculture Organisation figures to prove that famine indicators have more than halved “to less than 5% since Chavez came to power,” stating that Chavez assisted in the decrease of starvation within the Latin American nation. The article targets political and economic readers, which is displayed through the praise given to Chavez and the reason why current president Maduro is blaming CIA (for concocting a plan “to destabilize his government, sabotage the oil industry and trigger power cuts.”) The purpose of this article is to