This article examines the different applications of training and how effective or ineffective training can be for organizations by providing the reader with several examples about trainers and trainee settings. Furthermore, the author offers the reader with the appropriate tools to analyze the type and cost relate to training.
Training is the answer…but what was the question? Article Critique.
“The point of training isn’t to create an “information dump”- it’s to change the way people behave” (Rosner, 1999); this is an accurate description on how people perceive training as an “information dump” in my opinion. Too often training is perceived as a punishment rather than opportunity to grow; I have experience this reaction as a trainee and as an instructor in my organization.
In this article the author Bob Rosner outlines training situations and provides examples of the “good” and the “bad” of training outcomes and how important is to have experienced trainers available for training in order to, gather and prepare an effective training section and, to main maintain an appropriate audience’s attention. It is important to mention and the particularly of the article that is outlined in 20 questions with an opening summary that introduce the importance of training to the reader, perhaps with the intention of changing one’s approach to training not the necessity of training.
The main point of the author is to target the training need of the employees of any organization by targeting its manager’s proficiency, Rosner points out that in several occasions the employees are not the issue, the issue rest on an “ineffective” boss. This is a great observation from him: supervisors for the most parts they do not realize that they are not impacting the organization effectively or delivering the organization mission statement as mention in the textbook.
One must ask the question, is training
References: Blanchard, P. N., & Thacker, J. W. (2010). Effective training: Systems, strategies and practices (Custom 4th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Rosner, B. (1999). Training Is the Answer…But What Was the Question?. Workforce, 78(5), 42. Extracted from: https//search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db&AN=1850268&site=ehost-live Smith, M. (2001). Writing a successful paper. The Trey Research Monthly, 53, 149-150.