Research methods
In the research the author reviewed many previous studies, such as a study about traditional Middle Eastern families and their family structure. The researcher referred to the previous study to provide further background on Arab cultures and customs. The citation and reference to previous studies helped my understanding as a reader as he set up his introduction to his research. The author also included previous research on the immigration of Arabs beginning in 1900 to 1983 to identify key reasons why there was a population of Arabs residing in Michigan. Again, the reference was purposeful and I gained knowledge about immigration reasons ranging from economic to political.
The design used in the research study was quantitative. Research conclusions were reached based off of surveys conducted representing the population of interest. “A 46-item survey was given to 44 Arab parents. To each statement, the participants in the survey were to indicate whether they agreed strongly, agreed, were uncertain, disagreed, or disagreed strongly.” (Youssef & Skimpins, 1985, p. 192). In my opinion, the sample size of participants was relatively low. Because only 44 were surveyed, the results might not yield the best representation of the Arab parent