Why same-sex marriage is an American Value.
Theodore B. Olson (2010), a former United States Solicitor General, who served under President George W. Bush, attempts to persuade a federal court to invalidate Proposition 2, which banned same sex marriage in California. In his article “The conservative Case for Gay Marriage”, the widower of the writer Barbara Olson, murdered during 9/11, argues, from a conservative point of view, that it should be a right for one to marry a person of the same sex. It is very important to shed the light on this issue for gay relationships have been represented openly lately, and are no longer considered as weird or bizarre. It is thus absolutely fundamental …show more content…
for the federal court to reset a higher level of acceptance of marriages of the same sex, for it is only credit and respect of crucial American principles.
In “The conservative Case for Gay Marriage”, Olson (2010) starts his article by explaining himself, saying that his involvement in this case might seem far from the conservative point of view however, the author believes that the “traditional” definition of marriage should be changed for it is nothing but a false opinion of the constitution and the fundamental rights. Olson (2000) then starts defining Marriage as fundamental block of the nation that establishes well being of society and would recognize the basic American principles, the American Dream and the Declaration of Independence. He takes the example of the African American who could not be a citizen in the 19th century. He then adds that if there could be equality between people of difference race religions and place of origins why not give the same protection to those with different sexual orientation? Olson (2010) continues his article by giving the definition of marriage according to the California Supreme Court arguing that the notion of marriage is looked at by a traditional angle. However, that should not be a justification for maintaining the status of marriage to gay couples. He then adds that preventing lesbians and gays to marry does not cause more heterosexuals to marry and conceive children. According to Olson (2010) conservatives and liberals must to come together on principles and ideas that unite gays and straight people, and illuminate the idea of a “unacceptable lifestyle” of gay couples. The government should support the gay couples desire to marry for the good of the society, and illuminate discrimination prejudice and resentment. All Americans should be proud of such act. Olson (2010) adds that it is time to recognize the equality between all under the law and fix this unreasonable system, for this issue touches all Americans. Olsen (2010) concludes his speech by saying that this is not a conservative/liberal issue. However, it is an American one.
The author has a significant idea, and the evidence in this piece did fulfill the author’s objectives.
In fact, to prove his point Olson used a powerful and compelling argumentation in favor of gay marriage. He enlightened the reader that this issue is not only a social problem but it involves culture, history, and tolerance of the peoples’ differences. His paper has strong persuasive arguments that are well measured, methodical, well evidenced and critical. The author states that he is a conservative person however; on this issue he takes a liberal state of mind. He is clearly subjective in his writing for he shares in paragraph 26 the reactions to his lawsuit. “I have certainly heard anger, resentment and hostility, and words like “betrayal” and other pointedly graphic criticism.” The paper is well focused on its goal and honest for it is sure not easy for Olson to criticize his loyal conservative friends and act against their believes when he actually belongs to that party. Moreover, Mr. Olson's rhetorical repetitive question “… on the basis of their sexual orientation?” in paragraphs 8 and 13 is used to emphasize the importance of acceptance of others and overcoming the differences when it comes to the sexual orientation which is a very private matter. He also shocks the reader by ending his article stating that the gay marriage is not an issue about opened and so called closed minded people but it is an American issue, thus relating this topic to all Americans all …show more content…
over the world.
Personally, I completely agree with the author’s position regarding this issue.
Legal marriage is a matter of essential universal and equal rights. Despite all, fairness and dignity of gay couples should be respected. Here are some ethical and social arguments for the legislation of gay marriage that would benefit us all. Studies have constantly revealed that married people tend to be better off financially, emotionally, psychologically and even medically. Moreover, psychologically, the feature of marriage establishes official and public relationships that make it easier for people to support each other, giving them the capability and skill to grow stronger. The support can be on different levels, especially in hard situations like medical issues. The chosen life partner would be able to take things in charge. Moreover, we all know that gay couples adopt babies. When it would come to adopting and raising the children, they would be living in a steady married household making them feel like any other of their classmates. In addition allowing same sex marriage would assist to a better integration of their relationships into society. Therefore, if two people are committed and are able to create a suitable union and provide love and care for their families then why not let them marry? It would do good to the stability and consistency of our society in
In brief, Olson (2010) showed in his article “The conservative Case for Gay Marriage” that it is essential for the federal court to cancel California´s Proposition 8. The gay marriage issue is an American concern in terms of recognition of equality, values, and dignity. In addition, it is of importance to say that Olson`s subjective and personal article helped enforce his point of view by relating the matter to the American citizens.