Citing a recent court ruling that allowed a gay individual to stay in his partner’s rent controlled apartment after his partner passed away, thus qualifying the individual as a member of the deceased partner’s family, Sullivan uses many sagacious points that most readers can relate to. His choice of words and examples make it seem that he is passionate about this issue and the preservation of the family unit in general. Sullivan makes a prudent argument as to what could be gained by encouraging loving, committed relationships. Legalizing gay marriage would promote social acceptance, the same economic advantages and relationship security between two people who love one another. This would also encourage a deeper commitment that is harder to get out of. Also pointed out is that legalizing gay marriage would not jeopardize the legitimacy of traditional, straight marriage. Allowing the same rights to fellow individuals could only help to promote that which we all hold dear, family
Citing a recent court ruling that allowed a gay individual to stay in his partner’s rent controlled apartment after his partner passed away, thus qualifying the individual as a member of the deceased partner’s family, Sullivan uses many sagacious points that most readers can relate to. His choice of words and examples make it seem that he is passionate about this issue and the preservation of the family unit in general. Sullivan makes a prudent argument as to what could be gained by encouraging loving, committed relationships. Legalizing gay marriage would promote social acceptance, the same economic advantages and relationship security between two people who love one another. This would also encourage a deeper commitment that is harder to get out of. Also pointed out is that legalizing gay marriage would not jeopardize the legitimacy of traditional, straight marriage. Allowing the same rights to fellow individuals could only help to promote that which we all hold dear, family