Although Sullivan 's meaning is well taken by sympathetic readers, the fact is that he could overcome much of the ambiguity of his presentation by citing more concrete studies, including long-term studies, which support his key points. For example, when he makes the assertion that "in some ways the marriage issue is exactly parallel to the military" (283), it is unclear …show more content…
He asserts, one may say correctly if he already shares Sullivan 's opinion, that children raised by homosexual partners are as well adjusted as children raised by traditional, heterosexual parents. This would be a perfect opportunity for Sullivan to cite several well-conducted, long-term studies which bear out his view. But does he take the opportunity? Does he cite any studies? No, not one.
Another key point for Sullivan concerns the relative importance of legalizing gay marriage. He asserts that "if nothing else were done at all, and gay marriage were legalized, 90% of the political work necessary to achieve gay and lesbian equality would have been achieved" (285). But, Sullivan never explains where he gets the figure 90%. He could explain if this is the expert opinion of any recognized authority.
Still another key assumption in Sullivan 's article is that having gay marriage legalized would give homosexuals greater hope about the future. He says, "It provides role models for young gay people, who after the exhilaration of coming out can easily lapse into short-term relationships and insecurity with no tangible goal in sight" (285). Here again, it would be helpful to have references to several authoritative studies or expert opinions, but these are singularly