Andrew stated the fact that a marriage license is not granted in a condition where the couples can’t have any children and he also states that the marriage license is also granted if two people are recognized for an emotional commitment for life. He believes that the marriage license should not …show more content…
Heterosexuality been around since Adam and Eve, it is impossible to live life without recognized family, but how is homosexual able to have family if they can reproduce?
Marriage has always been between man and woman which is the usual way of starting a family and future in our society and other societies around the world. There is no evidence in human history that gay marriage existed so since gay marriage is new and unusual culture to our society it should not be accepted because we don’t want to mess up our culture and somehow ruin our tradition on family values.
The point of marriage is to build a family and future with loved ones. There is no way that two men or two women can establish that by themselves. We all know that in order to have children both men and women are needed. Meaning a man cannot have his own child without the woman and a woman cannot have her own child without man. So if gay couples cannot have their own children, it will lead to an adoption and unhealthy children. If both man and woman is needed to produce a child and build a family then gay marriage is not meant to be because marriage is plain pointless if spouses cannot produce their own …show more content…
All religions state that only men and women are meant to be married not man to man or woman to woman. Andrew stated in his article that gay married is not a sin and also writes “there may be religious reason for resisting gay marriage that within certain tradition is unanswerable” which I believe is nonsense. The bible says “one man to one woman” I believe most religions believe that God created Adam and eve as the first human beings and soul mates. In the word of bible gay marriage is not accepted, there are not any words in the bible that describe that homosexuality’s acceptance in the eyes of god. So saying that homosexuality is not a sin is an offence to the